学生休假、休学、 & 恢复策略



All 金融 and administrative policies involving community members across campus, 包括志愿者在内,都在这项政策的范围内. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, 学院将依靠校园社区, 包括 volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. 除非学校政策里特别提到, 学院的董事会受其章程管辖.



科罗拉多大学 values and expects a high level of student engagement both in and out of the classroom.  所有的学生都是全日制学生.  First-year and sophomore students are required to take four blocks each semester.  Transfer students are required to enroll in four blocks each semester in each of their first two semesters at the college, even if they matriculate with two years of credit or reach the equivalent of 16 blocks of credit in their first or second semester at the college.

Part-time enrollment (less than three blocks per semester) is discouraged and students must obtain written permission from the 学生机会和咨询中心(中心).  All students who complete fewer than three blocks in a given semester will be placed in a status of Withdrawal with an Intent to Return.



一年级和二年级学生: First-year and sophomore students cannot register for a block off and must be granted permission from the 学生机会和咨询中心(中心) if they want to take a block off.  First-year and sophomore students cannot drop a class without adding a class unless they have a discussion and complete a block off or leave form with a staff member from the Hub. 学生 should go to this link to schedule an appointment with a Hub staff member: http://jbbpjr.cinta-korea.com/other/advising-hub/

大三和大四学生: 学生 with junior or senior standing may request to take one block off per semester at the time of course registration. These students must register using the block-off code (GS 391) after discussing this choice with their academic advisor.  学生 enrolled in three blocks per semester are considered to be full-time students and must still pay a full semester of tuition, 食宿, 和费用.  把积木拿下来是不退款的.

转学: 学生 who have transferred in to 科罗拉多大学 must earn a minimum of 8 units of credit 在CC 并取得了成就 初级状态 (at least 16 units of total credit), before requesting one block off per semester. These students must register using the block-off code (GS 391) after discussing this choice with their academic advisor.  学生 enrolled in three blocks per semester are considered to be full-time students and must still pay a full semester of tuition, 食宿, 和费用.  把积木拿下来是不退款的.


Any student who is taking more than one block off in a given semester must obtain permission from the Student Opportunities and Advising Hub (the Hub) to pursue their studies on a part-time basis. During these blocks off, students will be placed in a status of Withdrawal with an Intent to Return.  在此期间, students will not be actively enrolled and will not have the privileges afforded to enrolled students, 包括, 但不限于, 使用设施, 学生宿舍, 或饮食计划,除非他们有中心的书面授权.  学生金卡将失效.  Part-time students will be billed the per-block charge equivalent to one-third of a semester for each block enrolled.

如果准许撤回并有返还意图 出于个人原因 (如医疗), 金融, 或其他个人情况), the student must reconfirm their return date by writing the Senior Associate Dean of 学生 no later than 11月1日 申请春季学期的返校申请 3月1日 ,除非中心另有规定.  Failure to adhere to the stated deadlines may result in a withdrawal from the college.

如果带返还意图的撤回是 学院要求 (例如休学), 金融悬挂, 纪律悬挂, 非自愿病假, 等.), the student will receive a letter from the Hub detailing the requirements for return.  Failure to adhere to the stated deadlines or conditions may result in a withdrawal from the college.


学生 must contact the Student Opportunities and Advising Hub (the Hub) if they intend to withdraw from the college.  If they choose to enroll as a degree-seeking undergraduate student (a transfer student) at another institution or they do not qualify for or adhere to the standards of a Withdrawal with an Intent to Return, 他们必须退学,否则可能被退学.

提现表格可在中心获得.  直到有学生正式退学, 完成必要的文书工作, 并获得了中心的书面授权, 一般义务保证金不予退还.  要获得退款,学生必须通过以下方式提出退学通知 11月1日 春季学期.  For Fall Semester, to receive a refund a student must give preliminary notice of withdrawal by 3月1日; final notice must be given by 6月15日.  

只要有可能, the Hub requires an exit interview prior to a student’s withdrawal from the college. 所有提款都需要一个表格,由Hub工作人员完成.


如果学生退学转到另一所学校, 他们必须通过招生办公室重新申请 and meet the transfer deadlines of 11月1日 春季学期或 3月1日 秋季学期.

如果学生因其他原因退学, 比如旅行或实习, 离开了不到两个学期, 他们可以直接写信给咨询中心要求复职.  申请复职的截止日期是 11月1日 春季学期和 3月1日 秋季学期.  学生 seeking need-based 金融 assistance upon their return must meet the stated 金融 aid deadlines.  自退课之日起已逾两个学期者, 他们必须通过招生办公室重新申请.

block Off和Withdrawal With Intent Return -最多8个block

If a student accumulates a total of eight blocks without being enrolled in a class, 他们可能会被学校开除. The eight-block maximum includes the accumulation of individual blocks not enrolled in a course (i.e. block off), and time while in the status of “withdrawn with an intent to return”. 学生需要向招生办公室申请恢复. If granted, a student must demonstrate immediate and sustained progress toward earning their degree. 


赌博正规的十大网站学习了一个学期之后, all students are given a Wild Card that can be used to cover the CC tuition of the first, 一个街区, 他们在毕业前定期参加暑期课程.  通过使用通配符, students can earn a block of credit that they need to keep them on track for graduation or to just take a course that interests them.  学生 should talk with their faculty and staff advisor about their academic plans and goals. 学生 do not need to notify student accounts or Summer Session to use the Wild Card, it is applied to the student account automatically for the first summer course they take.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/22/2022